The 5 stairways to success in Performance Marketing

Mia Schober
Reading time:
4 minutes


1. Right people, right place
2. Money, money, money
3. A goal without a plan is just a wish
4. In data we trust
5. Do it better tomorrow

1. Right people, right place

You know who your ticket buyers are and which people attend your events? Probably a bored and irritated voice in your head is now whispering an insistent "Yes, of course."

Would you still answer "yes" if I asked you about their interests or buying patterns? If you can still answer, I hereby dismiss you for the night. 

The target group is the basis of the right advertising! Okay, maybe after the right content, the right design and wording... but how do you know what exactly your ad should look like if you don't even know who you want to target with it? So maybe the target audience is at the top of the list after all? Theoretically, the right marketing is simply a psychologically well thought-out approach to specifically get into the mind of the end user. But to do that, you first have to know how to get inside the head. 

Just imagine you are promoting beard shampoo in a nail salon. Does not work, does it?
This will lose you endless important buyers and nobody likes to invest time and money into the wrong things. 

As you can see, it's not enough to just say that you want to target everyone within a 30km radius, there's a lot more than just that. 

Not every target group is represented everywhere, so it's important to know who I can best reach where. 

There is a relatively logical and simple rule of thumb - albeit one that is somehow drenched in prejudice: 

If you want to target a rather young audience, focus on young B2C channels such as TikTok. 

However, if you are dealing with longer videos or detailed content, channels such as YouTube or Facebook are more suitable, as they reach across every age group. 

Right people, right place! 

Here we can also pick up on a previous example... Imagine trying to promote beard shampoo in a nail salon? Still not working, right? 

To keep it “short”, I like to quote Christina Newberry: "You can't speak directly to your best potential customers if you're trying to speak to their kids and parents and spouses and colleagues at the same time."

2. Money, money, money

You probably can't even hear the word anymore, because your boss or customer preaches the budget rules to you once a day. Still, it's a topic that should definitely be addressed - after all, we're talking about important rules. 

For one, you should know how you want to allocate your budget. Just focusing on one ad and putting everything into it is not the way to go. Use the options that Meta, for example, gives you and divide your budget efficiently. Here are three terms you should definitely know: 

  1. CBO = Campaign Budget Optimization 
  2. ABO = Advantage Budget Optimization
  3. Lifetime Budget

If these terms don't mean anything to you yet, you should definitely look into them. They will definitely make your life easier! 

Just as important, don't forget to set the end date, otherwise the ad will just keep running and more - maybe not planned or available - budget will be invested. But should happen even to the best!

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3. A goal without a plan is just a wish

Not only is the target audience an important component of a successful campaign, but so is the goal itself. So before you set up a campaign, be sure to ask yourself, "What do I want to accomplish anyway?" If you didn't ask yourself that, however, you probably wouldn't find yourself in this blog.... 

Detailed goal setting goes hand in hand with target audience, providing us with important indicators to determine KPIs. 

Here are a few examples of possible KPIs: 

  • Increase in website traffic
  • Increase in social engagements (likes, comments, shares) 
  • Increase in revenue, sales
  • Increase in customer contacts (leads), conversion retentions (customer loyalty)
  • Increase Return on Ad Spends (ROAS) 

As you can see, we all want the same thing - MORE! 

For us as an event marketing agency, ticket sales, social engagements and customer contacts, as well as loyalty, play the most important role. Our goal is to sell out events or establish a brand in the market, of course you have to have a plan for that. However, you should always keep all KPIs in mind, as not every campaign works for every target group. This is where thinking around the corner and outside the box comes in! 

4. In data we trust

So at this point we have defined the target audience, the goal of the campaign and the budget. We're almost ready to start! Almost. 

Now, in any case, a few analysis tools should be sighted. For each performance marketing channel, there are specific software systems or integrations to analyze and evaluate the campaigns. 

Originally, a conversion is always assigned to the last click, which is before a transaction. In other words, the last advertising contact before a purchase is attributed the complete advertising performance and all previous contacts are left empty-handed. Surely you are wondering how efficient an evaluation can be. 

Apparently, experts had this thought before you and therefore multichannel tracking systems were developed. Here, all advertising contacts are included and divided among the individual touchpoints. Et voìla, we have a detailed evaluation of our touchpoints. 

Most online channels already have such a system integrated, but there is still the option of running the tracking through an external provider, because trust is good but control is better. 

To be able to interpret an evaluation accordingly, you should definitely learn possible abbreviations and technical terms. Little trigger warning: there are really a lot of them.

5. Do it better tomorrow

In connection with the evaluation is of course the optimization. After all, action without reaction is worthless. 

There are usually enough approaches for improvement, and we draw the approaches from our analysis. The interpreted data provides you with the necessary decision-making aids to optimize your campaign in the right place. And if you have difficulties - just try it out! 

Even the smallest and most inconspicuous changes will add momentum to your campaign and bring you new insights. 

You have the possibility to feed the algorithm with different ad texts right from the start. If that doesn't show any effect, you can make adjustments in your target group, even new keywords or click prices can make a big impact. It is important to never keep your fingers still and to continuously analyze and optimize.